Thursday, February 27, 2014

When Does the Insanity Stop?

When Does the Insanity Stop?

The recent announcement by Obama’s Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that he plans to reduce the United States Army to pre-World War II levels and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets thus crippling our Armed Forces and rendering America vulnerable in the event we are forced to confront our enemies make it seem the administration is hell bent on destroying us. 

In actuality, though, we’ve been well on our way to destroying ourselves for years.

In fact, our great nation is on a slippery slope toward mass insanity based on what we’re doing to ourselves and on how little we give a damn about what  people are doing to us. 

The following is merely a very small sampling of instances which demonstrate America’s insanity–and her suicidal tendencies:  

–”Fatal Crashes involving marijuana use tripled during the decade, according to researchers from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. The pot related accidents have helped fuel the overall increase in drugged-driving traffic deaths.”

Yet, with the unstated blessings of our admitted pothead president and inspired by greed, Democrat politicians in Colorado have legalized marijuana use and a number of other states are planning similar legislation with little or no thought given to how many accidents such laws will cause or what effect they will have on kids.  

–In California, Democrat Governor Jerry Brown released some 1,400 lifers, a record number of criminals convicted of murder, rape, and kidnapping and sentenced to life imprisonment, who will now be roaming California’s streets

Yet, Governor Moonbeam, a potential candidate for the Democrats’ 2016 presidential nomination, expressed little concern over how many more murders, rapes, and kidnappings the former convicts will commit thanks to his boundless, liberal generosity.

–At Dartmouth College, . . . (

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Arizona Governor Brewer Bows to Bullying

Arizona Governor Brewer Bows to Bullying

Arizonans had been through all this before and have again surrendered principle to their wallets: Late Wednesday, under cover of darkness, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB 1062.

Back in 1987, the Grand Canyon State rescinded its endorsement of Martin Luther King Day on the bases of its firm belief that the assassinated civil rights champion was too subversive to have a holiday dedicated in his memory and that it was patently wrong to name any day honoring just one man in the civil rights movement. . . .

Apparently believing religious beliefs now constitute an “improper standard,” Brewer obsequiously bowed to the lib-left demands by vetoing SB 1062 which would have amended a 1999 Arizona law called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and was intended to reinforce the rights of vendors to follow their religious consciences by, for example, refusing to provide services for gay weddings. . . . (Read more at

Great News from TV-Land!

Great News from TV-Land!

Some great news has recently emanated from TV-Land!  No, not from the basic cable channel TV Land but rather from the left-wing CNN and the extreme left-wing MSNBC.
CNN and MSNBC and their rapidly-dwindling audiences are finally rid of two of their respective losers, 48 year old Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan and MSNBC’s worse loser, 55 year old Alexander Rae “Alec” Baldwin III. 

Coming on the heels of the departure of 51 year old Martin Bashir from MSNBC last year, it’s great news from TV-Land even if their replacements will probably be as bad, as liberal-leftist, and as nasty as Morgan, Baldwin, and Bashir.

Poor, rejected, dejected Alec is the most recent departee after he was fired in part because his “Up Late with Alec Baldwin” was an abysmal flop but mainly because the much-acclaimed actor had once again violated MSNBC’s cardinal rule of never speaking ill of homosexuals by calling a photographer a “c*ck sucking fag.”

Following his firing, which he attributed mainly to sniping by the station’s proudest resident lesbian, Rachel Maddow, who considered him “equivalent to Mel Gibson,” the petulant Baldwin has decided not only to forever remove himself from television but from New York City and from public life.

In an extended complaint on New York Magazine‘s Vulture blog, Baldwin vented that being labeled a “homophobic bigot” in the media after he was the caught being a homophobic bigot, he announced he was headed for Lala Land since Los Angeles “is a place where you live behind a gate, you get in a car, your interaction with the public is minimal.” 

No doubt stomping his foot as he wrote it, he added, “This is the last time I’m going to talk about my personal life in an American publication ever again.”

So there!

Should Alec Baldwin choose to become a hermit for the remainder of his days, he won’t be missed any more than Martin Bashir or Piers Morgan.  Both of those foreigners have repeatedly showed their contempt for America and Americans over the course of their brief tenures then seemed dismayed that we didn’t much like either them or their shows.

Bashir, the surly, British-born Pakistani and former BBC reporter, showed that biased contempt when he tossed GOP strategist Trey Hardin off his show simply because Hardin had said that our military leaders are critical of President Barack Hussein Obama, which they were and are.  He also actually suggested that the murder of a black Brit teenager in 1993 was somehow related to alleged offensive comments by Republican presidential candidates in 2012!

Absent their husbands, Martin the Basher delighted in ridiculing and slandering women, particularly Republican women . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Global Warming Caused by Justin Bieber's Hairspray!

Global Warming Caused by Justin Bieber's Hairspray!

The absurdity of the above headline is almost exceeded by the absurdities regularly spewed by the global-warming-cooling-changing set who are increasingly desperate to defend their pseudo-scientific position that we evil human beings are destroying Earth’s ozone layer, the atmosphere, the planet itself, and possibly the hair spray industry.

There is a method to their madness, namely, enabling them to continue raking in tons of taxpayer money and imposing crippling pollution sanctions on America and on every other industrialized nation and excepting the Third World and China and India, and all based on what may be the biggest hoax in world history.

That same group of climatologists and politicians is understandably silent about similar dire predictions in the 1970′s.  Then they, along with the mainstream media, were warning us to button up our overcoats and get prepared for a devastating new Ice Age–that never materialized.

In an amazingly hypocritical flipflop, they are now using Mother Earth herself, buttressed by phony climate data, bizarre interpretations of natural events, and outright lies to convince gullible earthlings that our poor planet is on the verge of boiling over, that the rising Atlantic Ocean will soon inundate New York City, that Nebraska will resemble the Sahara in a few short years, that the Arctic will approach tropical conditions, that polar bears will shortly become extinct, etc. etc. etc.

What poppycock!

The King of Cockamamie Climate Change, former Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, has made a fortune by stoking fear in public hearts over global warming, a remarkable achievement considering he has zero scientific qualifications to stoke much.  Nevertheless, his total lack of any climate expertise hasn’t prevented the overachieving Goreacle from preaching, and cashing in, on the rapidly-approaching cataclysm as he laughs all the way to his bank.

For example, Gore warned a German audience in 2008 that “The entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” In 2006 at NYU Law School, he declared, “Many  scientists are now warning that we are moving closer to several ‘tipping points’ that could–within as little as 10 years–make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet’s habitability for human civilization.”  He has observed that, “The interior of the earth is extremely hot–several million degrees.”  He once quipped, “Here is the truth: The Earth is round; Saddam Hussein did not attack us on 9/11; Elvis is dead; Obama was born in the United States; and the climate crisis is real.”

And, if that slanted information and obvious misinformation failed to sway us idiotic “deniers,” Gore upped the ante with this apocalyptic threat: “The survival of the United States of America as we know it is at risk. And even more–if more should be required–the future of human civilization is at stake.”

(See climate realities and more of the Goreacle’s cutting wit and dubious wisdom at

With visions of money dancing in their hot heads and, of equal importance, dreams of leveling the playing field between the world’s so-called “haves” and the “have nots,” nothing seems to faze the warmists. . . (Read more at

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ronald Reagan, America's Greatest President

Ronald Reagan, America's Greatest President

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, would have been 103 years old this month had he not gone to his heavenly reward ten years ago, a regrettable if inevitable passing.  He was the greatest chief executive in America’s history who even in his dotage could have outshone and outperformed the current occupant of the White House.

All lists of the most influential U.S. presidents in our history are necessarily subjective and most place Abraham Lincoln in the top spot because he preserved the Union during what was easily the worst experience the nation had endured since the American Revolution.

Subjective lists are one thing; terminal asininity is quite another. 

Demonstrating severe deterioration of the cerebral cortex resulting from overdoses of liberal-leftist propaganda, some lists based on the skewed opinions of deluded academics and biased journalists actually omit Reagan entirely from their top 10 presidents and include John F. Kennedy and such people as Woodrow Wilson and William J. Clinton! 

In 2011, Gallup set the record straight with its poll of the people who count, everyday Americans, who chose Reagan as “the nation’s greatest president,” slightly ahead of Lincoln. (

Without taking anything away from Honest Abe . . . (Read more at

Jordan Davis: This Year's Trayvon? (Part Two)

Jordan Davis: This Year's Trayvon? (Part Two)

The tragic death of black teenager Trayvon Martin on February 26th, 2012 in Sanford, Florida and a jury’s exoneration of the man who was forced to kill him in self-defense under Florida’s controversial stand-your-ground law, 28 year old part-hispanic George Zimmerman, still reverberate throughout black America as a travesty of justice.

That opinion is primarily based on very disputable claims that seventeen year old Trayvon was an innocent African-American boy who was just strolling along in the rain in the gloaming with a box of Skittles and a bottle of Arizona Fruit Juice in a mostly-white Sanford, Florida community that had recently experienced a rash of burglaries and push-in robberies.

As with so many other details about Martin–who, by the way, somehow looked like President Obama’s son if he had had a son and could even have been Obama himself–the president’s mainstream media never bothered to mention that Skittles and Arizona Fruit Juice are ingredients used to create an illicit, home-made drug called “Sizzurp” or “Lean” when combined with codeine.

Seventeen year old Jordan Davis, however, wasn’t carrying candy or juice on the evening of November 23rd, 2012 when Michael Dunn shot and killed him in a Jacksonville, Florida convenience store parking lot after Davis and his friends had threatened to murder him.  Dunn testified at his trial that he believed he saw the barrel of a shotgun in their dimly-lit suv but, following the fatal shooting and Dunn’s firing at their fleeing car with his licensed, legal pistol, no weapons were found in their vehicle.

Dunn’s shooting seven times at their car and the subsequent failure of police to find any weapons may have influenced Duval County to upgrade the initial charge of second degree to first degree murder.

Deceptively dubbed the “loud music trial” by the MSM in reference to what Dunn described as the painfully-thumping sounds blared from the suv, the “stand-your-ground trial” would be much more apt even though Dunn’s attorney never invoked that law which permits deadly force if people “reasonably believe” someone will hurt them. 

Dunn pinned his defense not on the deafening music but rather on that perceived shotgun barrel and Davis yelling, “You’re dead” and other obscenity-laced threats which caused him to fear his death was “imminent.”  

Last Saturday, the jury found Michael Dunn guilty . . . (Read more at

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hoovervilles and Obamavilles

Hooverville's and Obamavilles

In the estimation of many economists today, Republican President Herbert Hoover C. Hoover was unfairly saddled with the blame for the Great Depression.

In fact, the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act which greatly contributed to that massive, economic and social collapse had been enacted two years before his election; the stock market crash of 1929 occurred less than eight months after he took office; and he had instituted public works projects long before Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s brain trust thought of comparable New Deal programs.

An astute and experienced engineer, Hoover promoted government efficiency to combat systemic government waste and inefficiency as well as the need for public volunteerism in American society and in the economic sphere.  Nevertheless, he was crushed in the 1932 presidential election by FDR who never did get us out of the Great Depression until he hit on the idea of involving America in World War Two by virtually inviting Japan to attack Pearl Harbor.

As the Depression deepened and millions lost their jobs and homes, shantytowns, mainly but not exclusively located near major cities, began cropping up around the country.  Those ramshackle collections of the destitute and dispossessed came to be known as Hoovervilles and became the single most vivid embodiment of Hoover’s “failures”–and a major cause of his electoral defeat.

Ironically, America under the Democrat administration of President Barack Hussein Obama, champion of the destitute, the dispossessed and oppressed, is now witnessing a re-birth of Hooverville’s, only, this time around, they’re being described as Obamavilles, reflecting their residents’ belief that Obama is the primary cause of their sorry plight. . .  (Read more at

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Whoopi Goldberg, Role Model for the Misbegotten

Whoopi Goldberg, Role Model for the Misbegotten

While discussing the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto’s bizarre description of rape last week as a “collision” between two drunk drivers, ABC’s “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg explained to the show’s mostly-female audience of millions that, “If you don’t want this kind of attention, [i.e. getting raped] don’t get poop-faced.”

To emphasize her keen insight, she elaborated, “Do not get poop-faced. Do not become so drunk you don’t know what is happening. When you say ‘x, y, z happened,’ you have no way of proving it. So both parties, if you don’t want the agitation, do not become so drunk you can’t figure out what the hell you’re doing.”

Truer words of wisdom have never been spoken by a self-confessed, dyslexic, “high-functioning” drug addict who once stated on “The View” that women who abort their babies  should be revered for some undisclosed reason and has effectively admitted she is a mass murderess after having had six abortions, a total which may or may not include self-aborting at the age of 14.

Caryn Elaine Johnson’s misbegotten life has been a series of personal and professional failures and by virtual adulation by the liberal-leftist entertainment community in recognition as much for her lib-left political and social views as for her acting achievements thirty years back.

Thrice married, mother of one child, Alexandrea, aka Alex Martin, aka Alex Dean, Goldberg became a grandmother at 34 when her then-sixteen-year-old Alexandra/Alex gave birth to her first granddaughter. (And, congrats to Alexandra/Alex for not following in her mother’s grisly footsteps–to date.)

Rumored to have been the paramour of Ted Danson, among others, the 58 year old weeping, whooping whoopster Goldberg was once believed to be the highest paid actress in Hollywood. 

In 2011, she was racially incensed . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Vlad Putin's Cossack Storm Troopers Brutally Attack Pussy Riot

Vlad Putin's Cossack Storm Troopers Brutally Attack Pussy Riot

You can take the man out of the KGB but you can’t take the KGB out of former KGB officer, former president, former prime minister, and current president of Russia, aka the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

Sochi Olympics or no, the one certainty about Russia today is that nothing significant ever happens in what used to be the “Workers’ Paradise” without ol’ Vlad knowing about it and/or ordering it.

Maybe Putin was pissed that the Russian hockey team was beaten by the Americans and then eliminated by Finland from medal contention.  Maybe he was  annoyed with Ukranians demonstrating they didn’t want anything to do with him or Russia despite being bribed.  Maybe it was just the Sochi slush.  

In any event, after officials detained some of them on Tuesday, his storm trooper Cossacks were dispatched to, shall we say, discourage members of the Russian punk rock group Pussy Riot from staging a musical protest on Wednesday.

Not among the president’s fan club to begin with after two members were imprisoned in 2012 for performing a “punk prayer” asking the Virgin Mary to save Russia from Putin, six Pussy Rioters wearing their usual ski masks were viciously assaulted by ten Cossack militiamen and unidentified assistants who used horsewhips, their fists, and their feet as the small group was trying to set up under a Sochi Olympics sign near City Hall. . . .  (Read more and see the video at

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why Isn't the Military Coming to Help Us? Part Two

Why Isn't the Military Coming to Help Us?  Part Two

(Part One dealt with an American soldier’s explanation of why our military may not come to the defense of Americans should the current deterioration of our civil order lead to another civil war.  His letter sheds light on a problem that is becoming more and more frightening everyday.  Some have wondered why the military doesn’t come to our aid against the tyrannical administration which is currently devastating our country. 
The short answer: They can’t. 

Part Two deals with evidence that America’s president and his liberal-leftist administration may already be preparing for a second American civil war in which the military will be on their side.)
Almost a year ago, in “Where Have All the Bullets Gone? And Other Civil Questions,” I asked a few semi-rhetorical questions:
–Where have all the 1.4 billion bullets purchased last year and the 600,000 recently purchased by our Department of Homeland Security (for a grand total of two billion .40 caliber, 9mm, and now hollow point bullets) gone and where are they going?
–Where have all the 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles, (MRAPs), retrofitted fighting vehicles designed to survive improvised explosive devices, ambushes, and land mines, gone and where are they going?
–Where have all the drones, which Attorney General Holder said “could conceivably. . . [be used by the military] if necessary to protect the homeland” before he retracted that outrage by denying Obama would ever “use drone strikes against American citizens on American soil,” gone and where are they going?
–Where have all the 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, the supplies of body armor, and the riot gear requisitioned by the DHS over the past two years gone and where are they going? 
In “What the Hell Is Going on with Obama’s FEMA,” I wondered why the president’s Federal Emergency Management Agency is setting up internment camps and has purchased thousands of coffin liners. 
Obama never did address the coffin liners but he did try to explain the necessity of the camps which he euphemistically called “Prolonged Detention” camps–to distinguish them from concentration  camps.  Through his favorite end-run around Congress and the Constitution, our commander in chief issued executive orders establishing the non-concentration camps for the purpose of protecting Americans in the event of a national security emergency. 
In addition to setting up the detention facilities, . . . (Read more at

Why Isn't the Military Coming to Help Us?

Why Isn't the Military Coming to Help Us? (Part One)

“Why Isn’t the military coming to help us?”

Help us do what?

In explanation of that question, Jodi Swan wrote, “A soldier’s letter sheds light on a problem that is becoming more and more frightening everyday.  Some have wondered why the military doesn’t come to our aid against the tyrannical administration which is currently devastating our country. 

This is one brave military man’s response to that question:”

“Here’s the problem for us soldiers: we can’t trust each other, as there are those who are extreme liberals, socialists, and those who love the current administration.  We’re infiltrated with these traitors and we don’t know how to organize without others turning us in and sabotaging our plans.  That’s just one problem.  Outside of that, as an organization we have become plagued with disfunction [sic], toxicity, illness, injuries, and betrayal.  It does not allow for a good foundation at the current moment for us to clean house for a country.  They know this. They created the environment as it is right now.  We didn’t see it until it was too late. Militants are forming, but in small pockets, and unable to fully unite and plan our strategies in secrecy.  And there are watch dogs out there watching us attempt to plan.  I’m sure every word I am typing right now is watched. . . . (Read more at

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Perils of Presidential Paranoia

The Perils of Presidential Paranoia


The British website explains that “Everybody experiences suspicious or irrational thoughts from time to time.” categorizes those thoughts as paranoid “when they are exaggerated and there is no evidence that they are true.”  Paranoid symptoms include irrational expectations that something bad will happen to you, that others are responsible for whatever happens, and that you harbor baseless  anxieties which may include psychological, physical, or financial harm.

Most of us are familiar with the most common forms of paranoia such as delusional fears of persecution, non-existent conspiracies, and personal threats, all of which are characterized by a general sense of distrust resulting in unfounded accusations–and most of which are reflected in the actions and statements of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Thanks to the Secret Service, the president should certainly have little fear of any imminent personal harm and, thanks to his status as a millionaire,  he should suffer little anxiety over his financial future.

However, the past few weeks have provided unmistakable evidence that Obama and, therefore, we his subjects and our country, are in very serious straits due to our president’s reality disconnect and inability to accept responsibility or blame for anything he does or says.

For example, while entertaining his fellow socialist president, France’s Francois Hollande at Thomas Jefferson’s estate, Monticello, and viewing a terrace from which Jefferson loved to admire the landscape, Obama showed that reality disconnect when he mused to Hollande, “That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want.”

Last I heard, Obama is the elected president of the United States of America and not France’s Louis XVI who was guillotined some 231 years ago by his own people. And, no sane Americans would wish that fate for him–if for no other reason than it would surely ignite a race war.

More importantly, as a much-touted constitutional scholar, Obama had to have been fully aware that he cannot constitutionally do anything he wants.

The only functions granted to the executive branch of our government is for the president to serve as head of state, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, and to implement and enforce laws written by Congress. 

What is definitely not granted to him are absolutist powers or the right to ignore laws or to write his own, despite his tendency to ignore laws he doesn’t like, bypass congressional law-writing authority through excessive use of executive actions, and re-write and change established law such as his Affordable Care Act.

Those unconstitutional tendencies belie a paranoid personality that seeks refuge from his enemies in extreme delusions of omnipotent grandeur which are reflected in Obama’s thinking he has the powers of Louis XVI, including the power of making laws. 

If the Founding Fathers had wanted another Louis, they would have founded a monarchy instead of a democratic republic.

The president’s pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly provided even more concrete evidence of his paranoia. . . (Read more at

Saturday, February 15, 2014

New Islamic Atrocities

New Islamic Atrocities


No matter the repetitive and redundant clarifications and interpretations concerning the ancient teachings of Islam’s Holy Prophet issued by his followers today, no clarification or interpretation can reasonably deny that Muhammad was a monomaniacal, sadistic warrior who brooked no opposition and utterly destroyed anyone and everyone who did dare oppose him, even when his actions directly contradicted the more peaceful prohibitions of Allah in Islam’s Qur’an.
(See, “Islam’s Dogma of Terror in Muhammad’s Own Words,” which extensively details those actions as well as the Holy Prophet’s penchant for womanizing and pedophilia.)

Muhammad actually goes a long way in explaining atrocities committed by his Muslim adherents today, bloody, soul-less atrocities that are usually covered up by American purveyors of political correctness despite the events of September 11th, 2001, etc.

For example, in that bastion of liberalism, Norway, which has generously welcomed tens of thousands of Muslims to its shores, was rewarded again by a gang of four young immigrant Muslims who gang-raped a Norwegian child on an elementary school playground.  After being arrested, they  blamed her for seducing them and claimed they were unaware they had done anything wrong, I guess because Islam regards women and girls as not much better than dogs and camels.

The punishment for their horrendous crime? A fine and community service, in the hope that would really teach them a lesson!  

Thankfully, most of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims still reside in predominantly Muslim countries, although not thankfully for most of those residents.

You see, Muhammad’s faithful are an extremely religious people who pray five times a day to Allah before, during, and after they carry out his wishes. One Syrian man learned the hard way that you had better not be accused of not praying often enough, or drinking too much, or collaborating with the enemies of al-qaeda.

A video gone viral captures him begging for mercy at his public, open-air “trial.”  After he’s forced to pray, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,” he’s denied a quick death with a bullet and suffers excruciating pain as a masked executioner patiently and literally saws his head off with a machete that must have had a dull blade. 

Other Syrians have been warned, al-qaeda has made its bloody point, and Allah is seemingly happy.

Beheadings are a big Muslim favorite and when there are multiple beheadings they become virtual extravaganzas!

In Idlib, Syria, al-qaeda rebels got hold of some local Christian men, their favorite victims, and accused them of giving aid and comfort to Syrian President Bashar el-Assad.

Cheered on by a massive bunch of their supporters and families on a hillside, their ringleaders read a list of the Christians’ “crimes,” including failure to worship Allah and unsubstantiated charges of helping Assad.  The executioner then pushed the victims to the ground and began slicing into their necks until he had detached their heads, at which point he lifted them high into the air to show off his work and followed the barbarity by putting the heads onto their dead bodies.

To enhance the entertainment value of the atrocity, the executioner decapitated the evil Christians not with a machete but with a small knife, a more laborious task but one which insured longer-lasting and greater pain for the infidels, which must have delighted his bloodthirsty Muslim audience.
Also in Syria, Muslim militants seized the city of Qusair last year, causing Christians to run for their lives since the so-called Religion of Peace has no tolerance for them and tends to murder them.  Mariam, a 15 year old Christian girl, didn’t run fast enough. . . (Read more at

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tracking the "Knockout Game"

Tracking the "Knockout Game"


When U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson announced last December that, “Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law,” there was a glimmer of hope that Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice was finally taking action against the very popular, black “knockout game” epidemic which has been sweeping the nation with bloody, sometimes fatal,

Anyone who thought that Holder would bother himself or the DoJ with black crime in America must be fatally naïve.

Magidson wasn’t referencing black hate crimes but rather the rare instance of a stupid white man trying to join in “playing” the black “knockout game” by unconscionably assaulting an elderly black man.

(Americans should be aware by now that, in Holder’s racist world, white crime=bad, black crime=not so bad.)

Demonstrating he knew well the protocols of the “game,” Conrad Alvin Barrett followed them to a “T” by cold-cocking his defenseless victim, breaking his jaw, laughing and yelling “knockout” as he attacked him, videotaping the senseless attack, and later sharing it all with his buddies.

Barrett’s attorney claimed his client suffers from bipolar disorder and was off his meds at the time but Barrett still faces a possible $250,000 fine and ten years in prison for his “knockout” hate crime.

Coincidentally, Barrett’s potential sentence–minus the fine–is identical to that meted out to 18 year old Jesse Smithers by a Stearns County, Minnesotta judge who sentenced 18-year-old Jesse Smithers to 10 years in prison after Smithers admitted to killing 20 year old Colton Gleason in St. Cloud in 2012.

Young Gleason had made the grave mistake of walking with friends one night when a car pulled up next to them and, with no provocation, Smithers got out, punched him, causing him to fall, hit his head, and die.

Smithers, who initially had pleaded not guilty then changed his plea to 2nd-degree murder, apologized for what he characterized as a “complete accident.”  But Colton’s mother and father strongly disputed that absurd claim.  His father, John Gleason, said, “This group was out there and their intentions were very clear. This is unprovoked. They stopped and they saw someone they thought they could victimize.  Colton didn’t have a chance to even turn and defend himself.”

John Gleason, made a valid point in saying, “We’ve been given a life sentence by this cowardice attack and murder of our son.  He’ll serve very few short years and he’ll be back out again, and our son is gone forever.” . . . (Read more at

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today's New Democrats, a Dangerous, Seedy Bunch

Today's New Democrats, a Dangerous, Seedy Bunch


Led by President Barack Hussein Obama, today’s Democrat Party has about as much in common with the old Democrats as Obama has with JFK.  In fact, Kennedy would now be considered a DINO, a Democrat in Name Only.
Granted, all politicians are flawed, a consequence of the reality that all human beings are flawed, but today’s “Party of the People” including almost everyone associated with it have become so immersed in extremist liberal thinking that they have become a corrupt caricature of their former selves, unable to distinguish right from wrong and incapable of rational thought.

Take, for example, our commander in chief.

Obama recently boasted, “That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want,” an astoundingly arrogant statement especially in view of his billing as a constitutional scholar. 

Even (some) high schoolers know that America’s Constitution was designed by the Founders to safeguard against any future leader’s pretensions to absolutism with a separation of powers and checks and balances among our executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

Most of Obama’s Democrat Party believes he has the constitutional right to impose his will via unlimited executive actions.  At least one Democrat organization firmly adheres to the misguided principle of blatant, political hypocrisy.

North Carolina’s NAACP chapter scheduled a demonstration to protest “racist” voter ID laws which that it contends discriminate against people of color even though identification is required for everything from securing a library card to making a bank withdrawal. 

Yet, in its “Do’s and Don’ts” [sic] instructions to marchers, the NAACP cautions participants to be certain to bring a photo ID and “keep it on your person at all times,” apparently because it regards marching and protesting are more important than voting.

Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who led her troops for eight years in demeaning, ridiculing, and undermining President George W. Bush, is now complaining that Republicans have been “disrespecting” President Obama.  Proving once again she is an overachieving, lying nincompoop with either the memory of a gnat or the soul of a terrorist, Pelosi was doubly peeved over that disrespect since Democrats “did not treat President Bush this way.” 

Texas state senator, gun control advocate, and Democrat gubernatorial hopeful Wendy Davis gained national attention when she filibustered against imposing any restrictions on abortions.  Probably because she woke up and smelled Texan electorate sentiments, Davis has been prancing around campaign stages proudly toting a rifle and has even flipflopped on her radical, filibustered abortion stance by coming out in favor of a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.

Obama and his Democrats have mainly used environmental fears as an excuse to stop the Keystone XL pipeline ever since it was proposed to bring Canadian and American crude oil, and jobs, to United States refineries. . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jordan Davis--This Year's Trayvon?

Jordan Davis--This Year's Trayvon?

Accompanied by his fiancée Rhonda Rouer, forty-six year old software developer Michael “Mike” Dunn pulled into the parking lot of a Jacksonville, Florida gas station/convenience store on the evening of November 23rd, 2012 following his son’s wedding reception. 

Exactly what happened while Ms. Rouer was inside the store is in dispute, except for the fact 17 year old high school junior Jordan Davis was dead when she returned.

Dunn was originally charged with second degree murder for shooting Davis with his legally registered pistol for which he has a concealed-carry permit, a charge subsequently upgraded to first degree murder by the Duval County state attorney’s office. 

That may have been the first indication that Florida would not be treating the case in the same manner it treated the other 1,009 fatal crimes committed in the Sunshine State in 2012.

You see, Mike Dunn like George Zimmerman is white and Jordan Davis like Trayvon Martin was black.

Zimmerman, who police initially refused even to arrest, was ultimately exonerated on the basis of self-defense for shooting and killing Martin in February, 2012 under Florida’s controversial Stand-Your-Ground law.  That law gives people the right to use deadly force to defend themselves without requiring them to evade a dangerous situation if they “reasonably believe” someone will hurt them. 

Though the circumstances in Dunn’s case are much different than Zimmerman’s, he is relying on the same law to win his acquittal.

Jordan Davis’s father, Ron Davis, has vowed to exploit his son’s death to launch a crusade against guns and against the Stand-Your-Ground law, similar to the Martin family’s reactions after Trayvon’s death.   However, to date and somewhat oddly, few have publicly joined his crusade or the racial circus that ensued when Zimmerman was deemed not guilty of all charges.

The New Black Panther Party hasn’t put a $10,000 dead-or-alive bounty on Dunn’s head as they did with Zimmerman; no nationwide demonstrations have been staged against Dunn as they were against Zimmerman; and, most surprisingly, President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t declared that if he had a son he would look like Jordan Davis.

Still, pictures have been popping up featuring the unshaven defendant looking as if he could commit murder juxtaposed with the “victim” looking as if he couldn’t and wouldn’t hurt a fly, . . . (Read more at

Monday, February 10, 2014

Abolish Black History Month!

Abolish Black History Month!


America doesn't celebrate White History Month nor do we celebrate Yellow History Month–or a Tan or Pink History Month, for that matter–but for some reason we do celebrate Black History Month.
Black History Month, aka African-American Month, was instituted in 1976 and is attended by ceremonies, speeches, school projects and, according to the Library of Congress, pays “tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society,” an admirable goal, indeed, even if the Library of Congress thereby suggests that non-Blacks such as the Irish, the Italians, Latinos, et al. never had to struggle with adversity which belies our history. 

However, regardless of the propriety of devoting any month to any particular race to the exclusion of other, month-less, races, many blacks have complained for the last 38 years that officially dedicating February to commemorate black achievement is discriminatory because it just happens to be the shortest month of the year.

The whole concept of a Black History Month is more than a tad exclusionary and divisive in a nation and society committed, rightly or wrongly, to multiculturalism.  “Multicultural” implies a diverse blending of disparate demographics, not a singling out of one race from another, and not a history month implying one race is so distinctive that it merits a month dedicated in its honor.

Still, some blacks feel they deserve a month since they say the rest of the year is focused on white history.  That view may have had a degree of validity prior to the Civil Rights Movement but is as incongruous and anachronistic as Jim Crow laws are today since African-Americans are now represented in many fields in numbers hugely disproportionate to their 13% of our population. 

Perhaps inspired by Michelle LaVaughn Robinson’s senior thesis at Princeton in which the future Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama advocated for black separatism, the history of Black History Month has been one of increasing agitation for that cause and even for revolution against their presumed white oppressors. 

From the New Black Panther Party to the Nation of Islam to such race-mongers as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, there has been a concerted effort to divide rather than unite America, and they seem to be succeeding.

Suspicions that black activists are much less concerned with integration, multiculturalism, and assimilation than with divisiveness were recently reinforced in Portland, Oregon.

As an incentive to build an outlet, the Portland Development Commission was on the verge of awarding Trader Joe’s grocery chain an enticing discount on a vacant lot in a blighted black neighborhood, until the Portland African American Leadership Forum (PAALF) strenuously objected.

In a strongly-worded letter sent to Portland’s city fathers, the group alleged that the plan would price residents out of the area, a bewildering charge in view of the facts the property in question was vacant and no one seemed to be clamoring to relocate anywhere nearby.

That bewilderment was cleared up when the PAALF added that they were “opposed to any development in North/Northeast Portland that does not primarily benefit the black community.” . . . (Read more at

The Rotten Core of the Common Core--Part Eight

The Rotten Core of the Common Core--Part Eight

There are so many things wrong with the Common Core State Standards Inititiative, which has been promoted as a state idea when it is actually the product of President Barack Hussein Obama’s Department of Education in conjunction with state education lapdogs in the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers, that it’s been a challenge to pinpoint precisely what perverse philosophy inspired it.

Until now.

And it’s all thanks to Paul Reville, former secretary of education in one of the most liberal states in the nation, Massachusetts, former professor at one of the most liberal universities in America, Harvard, and currently one of the most enthusiastic cheerleaders for the most liberal proposal ever to infect American education, the Common Core State Standards Initiative. 

The core of the Common Core is based on a fundamental error: Contrary to the beliefs of millions of American parents, your kids aren’t really yours.  Their bodies and souls belong to the federal government!

Serving as a panelist last month at an event sponsored by the Center for American Progress, Reville referred to Common Core critics as a “tiny minority” who opposed any educational standards, which he characterized as unfair since “the children belong to all of us.”
That observation bears repeating: Prof. Reville believes America’s “children belong to all of us,” echoing the theme of then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us.

Hillary’s ghost-written 1996 classic of collectivist thinking has been derided by everyone from that year’s GOP presidential nominee, Bob Dole, who said: “I am here to tell you, it does not take a village to raise a child.  It takes a family to raise a child,” to Tim Wilson’s in his song, “It Takes a Village to Raise a Nut,” to Senator Rick Santorum in his book, It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good.

You’re known by the company you keep: Prof. Reville’s forum, the Center for American Progress, is a leftist think tank founded by John Podesta . . . (Read more at

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Olympian Spirit--Russian Style

Olympian Spirit--Russian Style

The 37 billion euro 2014 Sochi Olympic games haven’t just begun.
The “games” actually began decades ago when the Olympiad devolved into a political spectacle, thanks to the U.S.S.R. and its enslaved puppet-nations which exploited them to promote Communism through cheating, lying, and corrupt judges who judged Olympic events as if their lives depended on their judgments–which they probably were.
Sochi Olympics: Ring  Nothing much has really changed this year as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin‘s Russia continues the usual by screwing up the Olympic rings at the Opening Ceremonies.  That could be considered just a technical glitch except for the admitted Russian cover-up of the screw-up and their substituting a glowing snowflake for the fifth ring in hopes that no one would notice.

Prior to those festivities, former KGB chief Putin, (former president, former prime minister, current president and future dictator), and his comrades showcased the “new Russia” by killing every stray dog they could get their guns on, ordering resident Sochians to surrender their pillows to athletes, hacking everyone’s phone calls and, best of all, featuring hotel accommodations that closely approximated a contemporary gulag.
Journalists Find Horrid Hotel 
Strangers meandering into guest rooms at all hours of the day and night, toilets that didn’t work and directed users not to flush and instead required them to toss . . . (Read more at

Woody Allen, Hollywood's Favorite Old Pervert--Part Two

Woody Allen, Hollywood's Favorite Old Pervert--Part Two


One would think that 78 year old Allan Stewart Konigsberg, aka Woody Allen, would fold his tattered tent and slink off somewhere and spend his remaining days in oblivion after his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow finally had had enough of Hollywood rewarding him and chose to “resurrect,” as one of Allen’s worshippers called it, charges he had serially molested her when she was a child of seven.

But not old Woody.

Buoyed by Dylan’s brother Moses’ accusations that their mother Mia Farrow had poisoned all her children against their “father,” Allen launched a gratuitous defense in the same New York Times that had published Dylan’s graphic charges less than a week ago in the form of an open letter.

Desperately attempting to protect what little honor he has left, in an article titled, “Woody Allen Speaks Out” which, like Dylan’s letter, appeared in the Times “opinion pages,” Hollywood’s much-honored and oft-feted, favorite old pervert presented his dismissive arguments against those who investigated the 1993 sexual molestation incident.

Cherry-picking and distorting facts, Allen professed his initial shock, hurt, and indignation over the charges, while demeaning Dylan as a Mia-brainwashed, “vulnerable” little girl and ripping her mother as a vengeful liar.

(Read Woody’s defense at

For obvious reasons, he never references the views of Mia Farrow’s friends who believed he seemed “obsessed” by Dylan or his routine of arriving at her home at six a.m. so he could sit on the end of her bed and stare at her and his insistence that he tuck her in at night.

Nor does ol’ Woody mention his confessions in 1976 when he told People magazine, “I’m open-minded about sex.  I’m not above reproach; if anything, I’m below reproach.  I mean, if I was caught in a love nest with 15 12-year-old girls tomorrow, people would think, yeah, I always knew that about him.  Nothing I could come up with would surprise anyone. I admit to it all.”
Neither did Allen comment on his pen pal contact around that time, a then-13-year-old girl named Nancy . . . (Read more at

Friday, February 7, 2014

America's Twisted Higher Education

America's Twisted Higher Education


Outrages spelled out in “Public Schools: Lechers, Diversity, Nudists” are multiplied exponentially in the outrages regularly  committed by students and school administrators in America’s public and private colleges and universities.

For instance, the publicly-funded University of Tennessee (UT), conducts an annual Sex Week, this year replete with a workshop to teach students how to masturbate, as if they need it.  Tennessee’s Sex Week also includes lectures on orgasms as a political act in addition to masturbation techniques.

One event, “Get Wet: Exploring the Connections Between Sexual Pleasure, Health, & Advocacy,” asks students the eternal questions: “When is an orgasm a political act? When is lube a tool of the revolution?” and promises to “demonstrate how three components of sexuality–pleasure, health, and advocacy–flow into one another as we explore a variety of topics centered on reproductive justice and sexual freedom.”

To further advance the educations of UT’s students, Sex Week also teaches students “which sexual health issues are involved in back-door lovin’, why you should care about sex workers’ rights, and how you can defend your own sexual freedom through self-love.”

Not to be outdone, feminist porn star Tristan Taormino will answer any and all student questions, such as, “Can porn be ethical?” “What is ‘good’ porn?” and “why she thinks anti-porn feminists haven’t watched enough porn.” 

With universities like UT, why would America need whore houses?

Undercover media analyst Mark Dice specializes in outing Americans as being out of touch with political and social realities.  Dice recently showed that sad truth in his interviews of young collegians who have as much grasp on reality as the Obama administration.

He was able to garner hundreds of signatures at a San Diego college campus on a fake petition to imprison all legal gun owners, “peasants,” in concentration camps, have them executed, and repeal the Second Amendment.

Dice patiently explained, “We just want to make sure we disarm the citizens. We can trust the government to be the only ones with guns” and that, “These peasants don’t need guns. We want to put all registered gun owners in prison.”  One student replied, “Yes, it’s too dangerous” for people to own guns.

He told another, “We are going to ban all guns except for the military and police.  We’ll do door to door confiscations, we have lists of all the registered weapons, so the military will just go and take those away from people.” Yet another signed the petition, as most did, despite Dice’s suggestion that we confiscate gun owners’ weapons and shoot them with them since, “If they like their guns so much, let’s just feed the gun owners some of their own lead.”

When Dice threw in the absurdity, “We need to take these gun owners and put them into FEMA concentration camps to keep everybody safe,” most students concurred.
hose Dice signatories may simply represent what Rush Limbaugh has described as prime examples of vacuous student “minds filled with mush,” not to mention with their next sexual hook-ups and beer-bong parties, but how do we explain the weird girls at President Obama’s alma mater, Columbia University?

There, a gaggle of five co-eds at Columbia and Barnard College filmed a semi-soft porno film in Columbia’s Butler Library. . . (Read more at

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Good-bye, Jay Leno! It Was Sometimes Good to Know Ya!

Good-bye, Jay Leno!  It Was Sometimes Good to Know Ya!  

James Douglas MuirJayLeno is scheduled to depart NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, after 20 briefly-interrupted years, on Thursday. 

Headed for some parts unknown and some known, Leno will be sorely missed–especially because his envious nemesis, Dave Letterman, will now have his best chance to rule the late night airwaves for a while as Jimmy Fallon tries to fill Steve Allen’s and Jack Parr’s and Johnny Carson’s and Leno’s oversized shoes.

Contrasted with Letterman, Leno could be considered a moderate prince among men, a shining, objective star among a vast field of liberal television talk-show hosts who pay their dues by sucking up to leftist politicians and by fawning over liberal celebrities, both of which Leno has long done as well–until he read the unmistakable writing on NBC’s corporate wall and figured, What do I have to lose by speaking/joking truthfully for a change? 

Leno and his writers also obviously realized that Barack Hussein Obama was now a lame duck president no longer off-limits for their barbs and could be freely ridiculed, certainly not to extent George W. Bush was mocked throughout his eight years in office but nonetheless gently stung. 

Leno and the liberal-leftists who control the entertainment media had helped elect and reelect Obama by never criticizing him or any of his many gaffes and abject failures felt they could lift his emperor’s clothes and expose him for what he is, within reason. 

After all, they still didn’t want him ridiculed too much, which could damage their well-earned credentials as Democrat Party minions.   

The AP ran a story on Wednesday headlined, “Bill Clinton Was Jay Leno’s Top ‘Tonight’ Target” in which . . . (Read more at

Public Schools: Lechers, Diversity, Nudists

Public Schools: Lechers, Diversity, Nudists


Recent stories leaking out of public schools, which go out of their way to avoid such leakage since the leaks often reflect badly on school administrations and administrators, demonstrate once again that something is rotten in the formerly great state of education in America. 
With the Third World rapidly catching up and surpassing us in the art of educating children and with our educational establishment–led by left wing extremists in the National Education Association–far more concerned with diversity and propagandizing than learning, it’s no surprise our nation is on a slippery slope toward the scrapheap of history. 

The following only touch on some of the problems facing our kids, our schools, and our country, simply a few illustrations of the gross and systemic failures in our public schools.

For example, in Houston, Pasadena Memorial High School history teacher, 36 year old Paul Edward Tate, is obviously an incurable romantic.  His romanticism, though, wasn’t focused on women his own age but rather on a 16 year old female student on whom he lavished gifts and with whom he was so enamored that he stupidly and repeatedly took her on public dates to his version of fancy restaurants, including a local Olive Garden. 

Someone noticed the two lovebirds at the Olive Garden walking arm in arm and a Pasadena Memorial High assistant principal watched as the teacher bought the student a purse and  a $200 Pandora bracelet, which the girl was wearing when police interviewed her and which Tate told police was a gift for his mother.

Tate is facing felony charges for indecency with a child, having an improper relationship with a student, and carrying on a sexual relationship with a minor.  Depending on the outcome of the investigation, he may soon be joining the ranks of the hundreds of teachers, male and female, heterosexual and homosexual, who are arrested and convicted of similar crimes every year in the United States, almost all of whom were smarter than Tate. (

Most of them conducted their private sex-ed classes a tad more discreetly, like at their homes or in the back seats of their cars.

Continuing the dumbing-down of public education in America, a gifted-and-talented program at New York City’s PS 139 elementary school is going the way of most programs designed to raise the ed-bar by challenging brighter kids so they can reach their highest potential instead of burying them in classrooms filled with current and future miscreants.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Angst of Abortion Apologists

The Angst of Abortion Apologists

Liberal-leftists must breathe a deep sigh of relief whenever the annual March for Life in Washington is over and the hundreds of thousand pro-life marchers have gone home and have stopped annoying Congress with their incessant demands that America stop killing pre-born babies for another year.

The relief doesn’t stem from what Pro-Lifers believe.  The pro-abortionist lib-left have long been aware of exactly what the Pro-Life Movement believes.

Even before the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade and related Doe v. Bolton 7-2 decisions when SCOTUS somehow discovered a heretofore unknown right to privacy hidden somewhere in the bowels of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, a right constitutionally guaranteeing women the unalienable authority to abort their unborn babies, Pro-Lifers had vowed never to never give up the fight to defend all human life and in 1973 vowed to overturn those cockeyed decisions.

No, mostly-Democrat “pro-choicers” aren’t bothered at all by what pro-Lifers say or believe anymore than they’re concerned over by the currently-estimated 55 million legal abortions, and counting, committed in America over the last forty one years.

Admittedly, this is speculative but wouldn’t the task of defending the mass murder of defenseless human babies in their mothers’ wombs weigh heavily on anyone with a soul?  Or, would it cause them to try to rationalize their murderous views in order to preserve whatever was left of their souls?

Rationalization seems to be their defense of choice.

On the 41st anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, President Barack Hussein Obama admirably declared that everyone is entitled to the same freedoms and opportunities to fulfill their dreams–and then recommitted his version of America to Roe v. Wade’s “guiding principle that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health.”

Our president, the most pro-abortion member of both the Illinois and the United States Senate, may not have struggled an awful lot with the idea of murdering babies.  When he said, ”I’ve got two daughters. . . I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Obviously, Obama’s concept of “values and morals” does not include respect for the sanctity of human life anymore than it includes “freedoms and opportunities” for the most vulnerable in our society, both female and male . . . (Read more at

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Numbers, Lists, and Lies: Abortion, Obama, Gays, Global Somethinging

Numbers, Lists, and Lies: Abortion, Obama, Gays, Global Somethinging

The following are excerpts from articles that don’t typically make the liberal evening news or the leftist cable news. 

They relate to abortion stats, to Barack Hussein Obama and his crumbling legacy of Obamacare, to the true number of homosexuals in America, and to the proven scam of global cooling/global warming/climate change, all of which liberal-leftists would rather you not know anything about. . . . (Read more at

Woody Allen, Hollywood's Favorite Pervert

Woody Allen, Hollywood's Favorite Old Pervert


No one could really know what was going through the mind of 78 year old Woody Allen when Ronan Farrow sarcastically tweeted immediately following last month’s 71st Golden Globes Awards show. 

After Allen received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement, Farrow went on Twitter to tweet, “Missed the Woody Allen tribute–did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?” 

As per habit, Allen didn’t show up for his umpteenth award and dispatched one his idolators, former live-in Diane Keaton of Annie Hall fame, to pick it up.

What Mr. Farrow was thinking in that tweet is pretty obvious, intense musings surely shared by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and, indeed, by all of Hollywood who knew very well what he meant and none of whom saw fit to comment–or refute.  After all, Woody Allen is a living treasure, an unparalled icon in Tinsel Town, and who would dare to be so presumptive as to cite him as a serial child molestor?

Bestowed by the Golden Globes for ”outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment,” the Cecil B. DeMille Award is clearly not based on a recipient’s character and integrity any more than character and integrity influence Oscar nominations.

Similarly, no one can really know what Allen was thinking after he read the account of the former 7 year old, Ronan’s molested woman, published in the New York Times, an open letter written by none other than Ronan’s sister Dylan Farrow, Allen’s reputed biological daughter.

Like the weather, everyone seems to talk about child sex abuse but few people ever do anything about it, least of all in Hollywood where serial pedophilia is virtually endemic.  (See “Woody Allen’s Bloodied Hands and Bloodied Children,” and “Hooray for Hollywood Pedophiles,” 

Farrow’s tweet was quickly dismissed by such Allen-Twitter loyalists as Antonio Vantaggiato who wrote, ”Sorry to hear @RonanFarrow’s rage, and @thelist which fuels it, but Woody is one of the greatest film directors and deserved the tribute,” in essence saying, “So what if he’s a child predator!” . . . (Read more at